
Health Assistance for Immigrants

AutorTill Plumbaum, Funda Klein-Ellinghaus, Anna Reeske, Kristin Pelz, Frank Hopfgartner
QuelleSmart Information Systems - Computational Intelligence for Real-Life Applications, Springer; 2015 

Our personal health should be one of our main concerns, but unfortunately, due to modern lifestyle, far too many people ignore their own well-being. Consequently, methodologies need to be developed that assist us in living a healthier life. In this chapter, we present a health assistance system for immigrants. The system consists of two parts: A health information system that allows users to search for health information using natural language queries composed of multiple languages and a prevention service that assists users in their cooking routine and motivates them to perform frequent physical exercises. The information system uses NLP techniques to understand the user query, matches it to a health ontology we developed, and offers the user a comprehensive answer. The prevention service is embedded in a smart home environment. We present the technical details of both systems and show a user study to demonstrate that the system works well in providing highly relevant health information.