
When to recommend What? A survey on the role of context factors in IP-based TV Services

AutorJing Yuan, Frank Hopfgartner, Fikret Sivrikaya, Stefan Marx
QuelleMindTheGap'14 Workshop, colocated with iConference'14, Berlin, Germany (BEST PAPER AWARD) 
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Today's IP-based TV services commonly strive for personalizing their content offers using complex recommendation systems to match their users' interests. These systems try to capture the relevance of content recommended to a user, which may also depend on many contextual factors such as time, location, or social company. Nevertheless, in most cases, these factors are either omitted or integrated in recommendation systems without a concrete modeling of what different roles each may play on different users' experiences. Do users really care about all of these specific factors? How do those factors interact with or influence each other? Can this interaction be modeled commonly for all users or is it more specific to the user profile? To the best of our knowledge, answers to these questions have not been studied in detail yet. In this paper, we introduce the results of a questionnaire and a focus group discussion to elaborate on the influence of contextual factors on IP-based TV services from the users' point-of view.