
Adaptive user interface assistance in smart environments

AutorMaximilian Kern, Frank Trollmann, Marco Blumendorf, Sahin Albayrak
QuelleProceedings of the Workshop on Meaning and Matching (AISB 2010), Leicester, UK 
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More than half of the products, which appear to be malfunctioning are often brought back to stores by the customers although they are in full working order. The reason for this is either the customers’ lack of understanding of how to use such products or the unmanageable complexity of the products. This fact claims for intelligent user interfaces which adapt to the user at runtime. Such systems also require new kinds of help systems, which also need to be adaptive. In this paper, the work in progress of a user interface assistance approach in smart environments is presented. This approach aims at the utilization of model-based development in order to build self-explanatory systems which are able to guide and help the user dynamically. We take benefit of the self-describing nature of models and generate help for navigation within user interfaces. In the future, we will extend this approach in order to use the same semantics of the model which we consider for help generation in order to offer the user an alternative goal-driven interaction pattern.